Tuesday, March 13, 2012

sloane ranger comes calling

Right before spring break I was dawdling in the Wheaton Public Library, and I found this complete gem of a little book from the 80s: The Official Sloane Ranger Handbook: The First Guide to What Really Matters In Life. by Ann Barker & Peter York.

"Sloane Rangerhood is a state of mind that's eternal. You might believe it's all different now, that nobody's like that anymore. You'd be wrong.

This is the handbook of the Sloane's style, the eternal stream of English Life . . ."

Obviously I have read it cover-to cover and am, despite being American, becoming a Sloane as quickly and fastidiously as possible. It's everything that I like about preppiness: simplicity, class, and quality, without being obnoxious (my major deterrent from the preppy lifestyle). Sloane Rangers are practical, outdoorsy, and chummy. And, as it happens, my wardrobe has all the basics for being a Sloane Ranger - only I didn't know that was what I was paring it down to!

Helpfully, I will be spending the summer at Oxford (a Sloane school) and shall hopefully be able to give you lots and lots of updates on my path to Sloane Rangerhood over the next few months.


photos courtesy of picasaweb.google.com, erichcanvogue.tumblr.com, capecodcollegiate.tumblr.com, 24.media.tumblr.com

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